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Simon Wangchinese

Property Manager


Coming from a background in Hospitality, Simon was no stranger to juggling the stress of having many tasks on the go and dealing with all walks of life. With degrees in both Marketing and Management, Simon was keen for a change, and with an avid interest in property as a landlord himself, he was put in touch with Mary Taylor in early 2016… and the rest is history.

Simon started as a Property Manager at Ray White Taylor Rentals not long after, and has consistently been going above and beyond ever since. He has been a ‘solid citizen’, consistently providing exceptional Property Management service to his tenants and landlords’ alike and his hard work has certainly paid off. 

As a property owner, Simon enjoys keeping his finger on the pulse of Auckland's investment property market, as who also an owner of investment property in Auckland. With a Certificate in Property Management and degrees in Marketing and Management under his belt, he is both experienced and qualified. 

After seven years working with us here at Ray White Taylor Rentals, he has developed a knack for understanding the ins and outs of the rental market.

When he's not at work, Simon enjoys spending time with his wife Shasha and newborn son Marcus, taking his dog Hunter for walks, and working out.


Premier of the Year

2023/2024 Premier performer of the team


  • 2023/2024 - Premier Performer
  • 2022/2023 - Premier Performer
  • 2021/2022 - Premier Performer
  • 2020/2021 - Premier Performer
  • 2019/2020 - Premier Performer
  • 2018/2019 - Executive
In the market

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